Amol Jadhav

The UK and Russia Double Tax Agreement: What You Need to Know

The UK and Russia have had a long-standing friendship, but when it comes to taxes, it can be a complicated matter. The UK-Russia Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) was signed in 1994 and has been updated several times since then. The aim of the agreement is to avoid double taxation on income and capital gains that are earned in one country and taxed in another.

What is the Double Taxation Agreement?

The DTA aims to prevent double taxation of the same income or profits in both countries. Under the agreement, the income or profit is only taxed in one country. This is achieved by providing relief through a tax credit or exemption. The DTA applies to both individuals and companies.

The DTA covers a wide range of taxes, including income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, and withholding tax. It applies to residents of both countries and also to non-residents who have income arising in either country.

How does the DTA work for individuals?

If you are a UK resident and you have income from Russia, you will pay tax in both the UK and Russia. However, the DTA allows you to claim relief on the tax paid in Russia against your UK tax liability. This means that you will not be taxed twice on the same income.

Similarly, if you are a Russian resident with income from the UK, you will be liable to pay tax in both countries. However, the DTA allows you to claim relief on the tax paid in the UK against your Russian tax liability.

How does the DTA work for companies?

The DTA also applies to companies. If a UK company has a branch or subsidiary in Russia, the profits of that branch or subsidiary may be subject to tax in Russia. However, the DTA provides relief to the UK company by allowing it to deduct the tax paid in Russia from its UK tax bill.

Similarly, if a Russian company has a branch or subsidiary in the UK, the profits of that branch or subsidiary may be subject to tax in the UK. The DTA provides relief to the Russian company by allowing it to deduct the tax paid in the UK from its Russian tax bill.


The UK-Russia Double Taxation Agreement is an important document that helps to prevent double taxation. It is important for individuals and companies operating in both countries to understand the provisions of the agreement to ensure that they are not paying tax twice on the same income or profit.

If you need help understanding how the DTA applies to your situation, it is advisable to seek professional advice from a tax expert. They will be able to guide you through the complexities of the agreement and ensure that you are complying with the tax laws in both countries.